martes, 23 de junio de 2015


UWE-3 recovered from communication anomaly

Last week UWE-3 experienced a severe anomaly connected to the primary radio device. Due to its redundant architecture UWE-3 was able to recover from this unresponsive state autonomously.

The first beacons we received confirmed that the EPS, OBC and ADCS were not affected, but the status of the primary radio is unclear. In the next days we will analyse the situation in order to bring the primary radio back to operation. Depending on the state of the primary radio the communication might be affected sporadically in the next few weeks during this investigation.

An important factor for us during this period was the reliable support of the HAM Radio community why we could quickly exclude our ground segment as a failure source. Thank you!

Yours sincerely,
UWE-3 Team

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