Varias estaciones escuchadas via ISS
Algunas de la tramas recibidas
1:Fm RS0ISS To CQ <UI R Pid=F0 Len=36> [21:07:35R]
>ARISS - International Space Station
1:Fm LU1WRC To BEACON Via RS0ISS*,RS0ISS,PSAT,WIDE2-2 <UI R Pid=F0 Len=60> [21:07:50R]
!4555.48S/06733.61Wr/ LU1WRC-1 RULO PMB - Rada Tilly - <CQ>
1:Fm LU3WAM To APRS Via RS0ISS* <UI R Pid=F0 Len=31> [21:07:58R]
Hello from Argentina to Marcelo
1:Fm LU9DCE To FBB Via RS0ISS* <UI C Pid=F0 Len=10> [21:09:59R]
8087 !!
1:Fm LW2DTZ To CQ Via RS0ISS* <UI R Pid=F0 Len=46> [21:10:22R]
=3444.81S/05822.29W-73' Via Satellite {UISS54}
1:Fm LU7DBJ To CQ Via RS0ISS* <UI R Pid=F0 Len=53> [21:11:24R]
=3619.34S/05741.21W`LU7DBJ JORGE DOLORES 73 {UISS53}
1:Fm LU7ECO To CQ Via RS0ISS* <UI C Pid=F0 Len=38> [21:11:34R]
=3432.08S/05831.54W-Salu2 desde GF05rl
1:Fm LU3WAM To APRS Via RS0ISS* <UI R Pid=F0 Len=31> [21:11:46R]
Hello from Argentina to Marcelo
1:Fm LU1WFU-2 To CQ Via RS0ISS*,ARISS <UI R Pid=F0 Len=55> [21:11:57R]
=4556.19S/06733.57W`FE64fb PATAGONIA ARGENTINA {UIV32}
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