viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2020

Actividad TLT o EME

De: Marshall-K5QE
Enviado el: Viernes, 11 de Septiembre de 2020 7:47

Asunto: Working K5QE in the ARRL Sept VHF contest....

Hello to everyone in the EME community.  This year, the ARRL September VHF Contest will be held Sept 12th, 13th, and 14th(only 3 hours).  The contest starts at 1800Z Saturday, September 12th.  

We want to work as many EME stations on 2M, 222 AND 432 as possible to increase our grid count.  I know that the EU VHF contests do not allow EME contacts, but the ARRL contests do....and EME is a big part of our efforts here at K5QE.  Please help us with this event by
working us on JT65b or CW.  Thank you very much.  

Our moon pass begins at 0800Z and ends at 2200Z on Sunday the 13th. Check with us on the HB9Q reflector OR on the N0UK EME-1 page.  We will monitor those pages whenever we are on EME.

As usual, we will be operating 2M on 144.142MHz Second sequence.  On 2M, we will be running QRO with 8 x 18’s and ask that you try to work us if you see us during the contest.  

The 432 EME station is alive again.  We will be operating 432 EME on 432.080MHz Second sequence with 16 x 28el all H-pol and about 650W.  We will call CQ whenever we can.  Again, coordinate on HB9Q or on the N0UK EME-1 page.

The 222 antenna is 8 x 222XP40 for a total of 320el(160el in H-pol and 160el in V-pol).  The antenna works great and has allowed me to work several new states on 222.  For US and Canada stations, please try us on 222 if you have anything running.  Even if you don't have EL on 222, you can work us on your rising or setting moon.  We will be running 222 EME on 222.085MHz Second Sequence with 1300W out.  Again, you can coordinate with us on the HB9Q 222 page or the N0UK EME-1 page.

The ARRL rules allow Assistance to all stations in the contest.  This means that you can look at the Internet resources and post to them too!!  Whenever we are working EME, we will be on the HB9Q reflector or the N0UK EME-1 page, so you can coordinate with us there.  Remember, NO CONTACT DETAILS can be posted.  The Internet pages really help with the contacts, so please use them freely.

If we see an EME caller on 2M, 222, OR 432, we will do our best to work you. If you see us working another station, PLEASE KEEP CALLING.  That allows us to decode your call while we are finishing up a QSO with another operator.   If you call in on CW, we will switch to CW and work you on CW as soon as possible.

If you don’t see us on EME, please check back later because we may just be doing a bit of Search & Pounce or waiting for the tropo station to finish a QSO.  

Good luck to all in the contest and we hope to see you there.  Thank you.

73 Marshall, K5QE - EM31cj
East Texas, USA


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