sábado, 23 de marzo de 2019

Contacto ARISS ISS - escuela de Canada

Contacto ARISS ISS - Escuela de Canada

El proximo 28 de marzo de 2019 entre las 16:15 y 16:22 UTC,  y via el telebridge LU8YY/Q Luis ubicado en Sta. Rosa del Conlara (Pcia. de San Luis) realizará una comunicación ARISS entre la ISS y la escuela canadiense Ulluriaq en Kangiqsualujjuaq

El contacto entre Luis Funes LU8YY/Q y un astronauta a bordo de la estacion espacial internacional ISS comenzara el jueves 28 de marzo a las 13:15 hs-LU, se podra escuchar en 145.800 KHz

El astronauta seria David St-Jacques KG5FYI utilizando el indicativo NA1SS

Las preguntas previstas, y de las cuales se escuchara solo la respuesta son:

1. Where do you sleep?
2. Annika: What happens when you sneeze in zero gravity?
3. How do you use the bathroom in space?
4. Shaun: Is the internet the same as on earth? Is there WIFI on the space station?
5. How do you communicate with your families?
6. Ikenia: How long does it take to get to the space station and is it the same on the way back to earth?
7. What do you do if you have an emergency and need to go to the doctor?
8. Lane: How long can humans stay in space and what is the longest stay so far?
9. What kind of food do you eat in space?
10. Stella: Other than Earth, which planet do you think humans could live on and why?
11. Have you ever floated outside the space station? What is it like?
12. Sonia: How do you control the space station when you’re sleeping?
13. Rebecca: Do astronauts get paid like everyone else?
14. Kesha: How do you wash yourself each day on the space station?
15. Max: What types of research are you personally involved with?
16. Matthew: Did you want to be an astronaut when you were young?

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