jueves, 21 de marzo de 2019


SSTV - ISS proximamente

Posible actividad SSTV, mas informacion proximamente. ARISS Rusia esta planeando un evento especial de television barrido lento SSTV desde la estacion espacial internacional en celebracion del Dia de la Cosmonautica. La transmision comenzaria el 12 de abril y seguiria hasta el 14 de abril del 2019. Se transmitirian 12 imagenes en total, 6 de origen ruso y 6 de Europa-USA.

Possible SSTV activity, more information later. ARISS Russia is planning a special Slow Scan Television (SSTV) event from the International Space Station in celebration of Cosmonautics Day. The transmissions are to begin on April 12 and run through April 14 2019. 12 images in total will be broadcasted, 6 from Russian origin, 6 from USA-European origin.

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